You have always wondered how everyone modifies their Android devices without much knowledge, because here we are going to give you a little light on the subject. Many have heard about Fastboot and ADB (Android DeBugger), which are essential tools when we communicate from a computer with Android devices and for simplicity purposes, we will be focusing on Fastboot. What is Fastboot? In simple summary, it is a tool to communicate with your Android devices from the computer, since there are times when it is a necessity to use and times when it is only useful either for the use that many will give, to force an update or do a root. To differentiate it with ADB, you have to understand that the most appropriate use for ADB is within recovery mode or within your operating system, but when you are in boot mode and need to communicate with your phone, then you need Fastboot. Where can you get it? As Fastboot is part of the tools that the Android SDK with which you receive once install...
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